
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I dont get why we can't smoke in smoke rooms?

Why are they stopping smoking in any indoor smoke rooms and any enclosed outside smoke rooms?

Surely if your a non smoker, it would be your choice to go in and if you didn't like smoking don't go in at all.

I understand the ban in pubs and clubs because non smokers want to go into pubs.

It's the specific smoke rooms I dont get?

I would like to find the opinion of a non smoker!
All royal premises are exempt, that is simply the old story of one rule for them that have and another for those who are not allowed a voice.These people who inflict their opinions on others think they have the upper hand but this is just the beginning and I am enjoying watching this space as their lives will be affected, they have opened the flood gates ,watch them squeal when their rights are eroded. He who laughs last laughs longest. My thoughts are with the elderly who's only pleasure is to go to their local, meet up with their friends and have a pint and a smoke,these people who have smoked all their lives,who were fed cigarettes by the government in the war to keep them alert are still around. Who thinks that it is humane to see an 80 year old stuck in a smoking shed in the middle of winter. But there is no thought for the individual as they will come to realise.
proberbly because the smoke might surround the room anyway smoke rooms are small
Because smoking is bad for you dear.Take the hint.

Chantix breaks the addiction with very little to NO withdrawel symptoms.There are no excuses to smoke now except that you just wont to kill yourself SLOWLY.
Well If You Used Some Common Sense Maybe you Would Find Out That Smoking Around Other People Alot Can Cause Them To Get Cancer.
'Cos non smokers have to walk past the rooms. When the door gets opened a big cloud of the stuff covers everyone eeww. It would make more sense if these rooms were at the end of the corridoor or something. I don't see how it's fair that smokers are basically shoved outdoors and constantly nagged to stop. You made a choice you should be left alone

Where I used to work there were smoking bubbles outside which you had to walk past (there was no other option) to get into the buildings. As these bubbles were glass they got extremely hot in the summer so the doors were held open and the amount of smoke you walked past made your eyes water. That wasn't really the smokers fault though, it was a stupid building design.
Because there is a battle going on between smokers and non smokers and at last we're winning.
the health nut "nazis'" have had the ball swinging in their court for too many years already---not only are they satisfied in making their own PERSONAL choice not to use "Johnny Nicotine"---BUT, NOW, THEY WANT TO "LORD-OVER" OTHERS TO TRY TO TAKE AWAY, OR GREATLY LIMIT( IF NOT TO DENY) YOUR RIGHT TO USE TOBACCO,AND/OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS!
Well someone has to work in smoke rooms.OK if all staff were given the choice of where they wanted to work but its not always like that.Also look at the bigger picture.This is a step along the way to the absolute abolition of smoking which causes too much illness and suffering and costs the country so much in treating these illnesses.The restrictions on smokers will gradually increase and more pressure put upon them to give up,and to make smoking completely unacceptable socially,with the aim of eradicating it within a generation or two.If you are a smoker you will still be able to continue to smoke in certain places like the open air and in your own home for the rest of your life,as short as that is.
if th epeople ruled right now what difference would it be.just another set of bigots with their rifle sights on me! its just the same ol story of man destroying man,,you talk of fightiong power using violence as your tool you speack of liberation and when the people rule and if the people rulrd right now what difference wouldit be...
The stench and smoke refuse to stay in the smoking room, it travels round the pub/club - equally smokers can decide to stay at hime and smoke, just like the no-smoking ashtmatic has had to do for donkeys years.
I smoke and remember going into a smoking room at the hospital and it made me choke so it must be awful for non smokers, I have to stop due to health and am cutting down at the moment, I didn't know until the other day that if you need a job done in your house that you cannot smoke while the person is in there as it is classed as their place of work, I think that is going over the top, when I have people come to my house,not friends, others I do ask if they mind me smoking if they say they do I don't it is all down to respect for others.

additional; well done the answer below my Mum was saying yesterday about those who are dying that they should be allowed to have their smoke, years ago even a last request was honoured.
I don't understand that either. I've run into this problem before too. A non smoker doesn't have to walk into a smoke filled room. If they don't want exposure to smoke, they can leave.

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