
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I get so fed up! whats wrong with my stomach?!?

I have this problem where i cant eat food that has to be cooked! I try and push myself to eat but everytime i have hot food it just comes back up! I have spoke to doctors and have had scans and they say nothing is wrong:S also when i make hot dinners for my boyfriend i have to wash my hands all the time(bout 30 times in half an hour) i get so parnoid about being sick and catching germs. the doctors have told me i need to get over it myself but i have tryed so many times. also my boyfriend whats to try for a baby i keep havin to avoid it because of this . Does anybody else get scared of being sick it effects there life? i cant even go grocery shoppin because i dont like touching trollies and touching dirty sheleves! please if you have any advice would be much apercaited i just wanna try and move on but seem impossible!!
First up I am not qualified to answer your question, but i will say that your doctors are wrong in telling you that you have to get over this yourself.
You nead proffessional help, you have a problem that can be treated but only by some one who knows what they are doing.
I had a friend years ago, his mother had similar problems as you, after counciling and correct diagnosis from a specialist, she started to live a normal life again.
Go see a psycologist and see if they can be of assistance.
I wish you well, and hope you get better.
I would have to say that you're just as likely to catch something in the air as you are from touching something. I know there are names for what you are experiencing though (fear of germs), some people never get past it while other's may. The only thing you can do to get over a fear is to confront it head on. Try taking your boyfriend (or another friend) with you shopping, or whereever you're going, to help keep your mind off of it. It's mind over matter and if you constantly believe these thing's are going to make you sick, they will. Not that THEY will, but you will blame it on what YOU think is making you sick. (does that make sense?).
Guess you could say it's mind over matter... if you don't mind, then it doesn't matter. Kind of like when someone yawns and it makes you instantly yawn, that's mind over matter. Not that you had to yawn, but seeing someone else do it makes you feel the need to do it also.

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