
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I dont know what is wrong with me??

i lost my grandmother in march and uncle in may, and my grandmother was takeing care of me at 56. before she died i had chest pains and ekg was normal. las saturday i had chest pains and and went to the ER and ekg and blood was normal. on thursday i went for spitting up blood and they could not find anything. i went again late friday knight for blood in stool and headaches and side pains. i had a normal ct, normal blood test, a rectal exam, put on an IV and giveing medicine for nausea. the could not find anything and i do not know what is wrong with me. the doctor said it could be stress and it is affedting me physically and mentaly. any body has a diffrent theroy?
stress can also cause an ulcer which has the symptoms you are explaining.
Yea,get a different dr.
Have you been check for an ulcer?
Blood in the stool and spitting up blood would not be from stress in my opinion, you need to find another doctor, good luck!
have you been taking any kind of medicine? if you're taking antidepressants that could be it.. are you drinking or doing anything out of the ordinary? or eating different things? these can all be factors but i would definitely get a second opinion

i am sorry for your losses
Theories are a dime a dozen. Calm down, breath, in hale and exhale.

Stick with your Doc, it sounds like you could be having anxiety.

Just a theory, and please calm down. OK.
yeah, it is stress. What, you want it to be something worse? Stress affects you mentally and physically in all kinds of ways. It can cause chest pain, headaches, and pains in many parts of your body. I would suggest grief counseling, and asking your doctor for a temporary prescription for something like Xanax in order to relax your nerves. You have been through a lot emotionally and you probably haven't been slowing down enough to take it all in. Definitely you should go in for grief counseling if nothing else.
Sounds like possibly an ulcer. You need to find a primary care physician to run tests and maybe have an EGD done (put a tube down yur throat to look at your esophagus and stomach. A lot of times ulcer pains or GERD (reflux) can cause pain a lot like a heart attack (so I'm told) and the spitting up blood and blood in the stool sound like an ulcer in the GI tract somewhere. Good luck.
That's Scary....
Having all that b4 ur grandmother died?
Did you still have after she died?
If u did that would be freakkyykkyyyy
could that be a wound in the stomatch? what do you think?

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