ok ok i have head a maingrain for 4 days and i tuck experan and it just made it wurs i was in the shawer and i almost fanted i coud'nt trake it any more so i got out i called my mom and pewecked all the food i had in my sestem.I have a realy high temerature and i get realy cold i have to be ccoverd in blankets.and than i get realy hott and i start sweating realy bad. what do you think i have??
Tell your mom to take you to a doctor.
I think you have some kind of infection since you have a high fever, can you get to an emergency walk-in clinic? Of course you could wait it out but I wouldn't wait out the pain.
Edit: The bump is probably a lymph node or gland. It's swollen due to infection.
If you have a high temp and your are cold, you should see a doctor. Don't ask on here. You are better off with your health to ask a professional. So Seriously go to a doctor, emer. room or a clinic. You defineitly have something wrong.
Go to a doctor ..NOW!!
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