
Saturday, October 31, 2009

I found a tick in my hair last nite, I know it bit me but I pulled him off and he was still alive should I be?

worried about Lyme's? I did save the tick in case I get sick within the next 3 days.
Anytime you are bitten by a tick you CAN get it.. keep checking for a small sort of greenish tint to the skin in that area (I know it's difficult under the hair).. one thing though.. are you sure you got the entire tick? I've seen it with dogs where you pull it off but part of the head is still under the skin.. and it will keep burrowing until it is taken out.. one of the reasons you generally do something like heat it or freeze it to make it pull itself out first.. You might just want to have someone else look at it carefully for you..
well, that's mostly carried in the deertick, which is common. so you can google image deertick and compare. there have been many more ticks this year so far. but only a small percentage carrie Lyme disease. if you are found to have Lyme disease, you can treat it and it will almost certainly go away unless gone unnoticed for too long. so do not be too worried, ticks biting you is not the end of the world.
If your very concerned take tick to your local ER or doc deer ticks are very tiny smaller than inside circle of the # 6 on most typewritters. Dog ticks can be seen very clearly with the eye. I live in the woods and see the critters often. The net will show you pics to compare but a medical person will put your mind at ease.

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