I smoked pot late last Sunday nite and was told on Monday morning that I had to take a piss test late Tuesday afternoon. I didnt smoke any pot Mon. or Tues. and I went and bought a cleansing drink from GNC. I made sure I drank plenty of fluids all day Tuesday and I followed the directions on the drink's label. When I took the test, the urine looked almost clear.Now, I HAVE passed a drug test a couple years back with this same company b4 using the same methods. I've just heard these "cleansing drinks" they make now are useless and i'm a little worried about that. I bought the Strip somethinor another from GNC.
There's no for sure answer for this. The only way to find out is to get the test results back. Try drinking pickle juice, I heard that works.
Best of luck and hope everything works out =)
Pot is the one drug that stays with you for the long haul...There are cleansing shampoos and drinks but sometimes they don't work and chances are you are too late to do them. If your employer suspects that you are using or that you are trying to clean your body out, they may take a hair test.
Good luck!
You're up s--ts creek!!
dude get quickfix, it works, it's a urine substitute that you can tuck under your sack, and wrap with hand warmers (the kind hunters use), make sure to wear tighty whiteys! i dont' smoke pot, but my buddy used it to get a great job and he smokes all the time.
it takes 2weeks to get out of your urine ststem all of it and also the saliva is two weeks. but for the hair is 6 months literally to get it all out so i dont u might pass if u drink all of citrus jucies and cranberry juice and urinate alot. remember saliva and urine test dectect up to 2 weeks and hair is 6 months.
Try buying some niacin. It works wonders. Buy it and take it on sunday. Than drink alot of water. Just whatever u do, dont itch, cuz yeah that stuff will make u itch but it works wonders.
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