comes out and then a little blood like a pimple. its never painful, not even when i pop it. theres only that one, ive never had any others, but it comes and goes, and its always in the same exact spot. [its not very big]
sorry this is so graphic..but its driving me crazy not knowing what it is.
any ideas?
It sounds like you have a boil since it keeps comming back see a doctor.
I've actually had something similar. It's right where my underwear rubs which makes it hurt sometimes. But i cant figure it out either. I've had them in a few different spots. I'm going to the obgyn soon but I live in florida and my doctors in NY. I'd suggest just going to a doctor if you can.
It's an ingrown hair that has become somewhat infected (white stuff is puss). If you can possibly see it, or use a mirror, try to pull out the ingrown hair...problem solved. Also, use a loofah sponge to slough off the dead skin cells from now on, it helps prevent ingrown hairs. It's quite common.
Might be a boil or ingrown hair follicle. Check with your gyno.
It sounds to me like a pimple or sebaceous cyst. I am not a doctor, but I am a medical librarian. This is just an opinion based upon reading and experience. Basically, a sebaceous cyst is a "zit" and can occur anywhere you have sebaceous glands (AKA sweat glands!)- not just on the face. You can even get one on the mucous membrane of the vulva itself. If it keeps coming back, you might see a doctor and find out if there is an ingrown hair tunnelling through the skin and causing it to become filled with pus over and over. That happened to a friend of mine. She thought it was just a pimple (sebaceous cyst) and after months she finally saw a doctor. She had an ingrown hair that had tunnelled several inches through her skin and was getting re-infected monthly. They cut it out and sewed up the "tunnel."
Also, I know it's tempting, but popping it isn't the greatest thing to do. When I had a cyst/pimple in an odd place, the doctor told me to put hot wet compresses on it for 20 minutes 3 times a day untilit came to a head and drained on its own. And if it keeps recurring, they may need to excise it (cut it out).
If you are worried that it could be an STD, remember: herpes would not have white stuff and then blood like a zit. It would have clear liquid. You also would not be able to "pop" a herpes lesion or a genital wart.
A Pimple?
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