i know it is wrong to take weed, but i wanted to see what the effects like, smoking it. i'm a writer and i needed to experience it, to know what to write about weed and the effects.
it was awful, i went to the loo and it seemed like i was urinating for ages, it seemed so long i just held it in and got off the loo, i then constantly felt like i was wet and had wet myself. i knew i had not but it felt like it. everything seemed to get bigger andi felt as though i was walking on clouds is this normal?
its the first and last time i will be trying it.
yeah, its normal. I hate weed. It makes me totally uncomfortable and paranoid. It doesn't get better either for me. Tried it many times actually and have always hated it.
Good. Drugs suck.
oou ouuuu.. bad girl. those reactions are pretty normaL if you ask me.
ha nah bro my first time it just made me zone out and made the music in the car seem so clear. we were driving on the highway from kentucky to kansas and i just sit there in a daze. i think i laughed more and stuff but nothing like what was going on with you...i guess it can effect people differently and it depends on what kind of weed it is and if you take anything else with it or if your drinking too. but i would ? the person you got it from it could have been laced w/ something.
oh god i think you are over exaggerating a bit. i smoke weed all the time and i feel perfectly fine. i hold a steady job and am even working on getting my bachelors deegre , so i'm a functioning human being to say the least. i just smoke weed to relax that's all, it's really not that big of a deal.
to be honest your first try of the weed is not something good to go off of. my first time i tried it, i started screaming because i was trying to figure out the universe with geometry, and it was soo confusing. that's never happened to me since i've tried it again. most of the time i feel sleepy and tingly, and sometimes really hungry. usually my skin feels weird, though, like i will use a toothpick to get the dirt out from under my fingernails and then i will have to keep doing that to all my nails because it feels weird when i don't even if there is no dirt underneath them, or my arms will itch and i will have to constantly scratch them. i've never felt like i was on clouds but i have felt light. if you want write about how people normally experience weed, you'll need to try it again just to get the experience right. if you don't want to do that, just check out some websites... thegooddrugsguide.com has a list of all drugs known and their effects on people, and it's pretty accurate as far as i can tell.
I know it affects everyone differently but you might have anticipated the effects of what was going to happen incorrectly and then dwelled on it. Honestly, I didn't even get high the first time I tried it (most people don't). Unless you have it laced with something, it doesn't "whack" you out like other drugs - even compared to alcohol. I've never heard of anyone having urination problems just on weed alone either. It doesn't sound like you had legit stuff. Too bad it was a bad experience for you. It could really enhance your writing and for the fact it normally is just quite enjoyable!
I've been smoking marijuana for 13yrs. now.and when I first started smoking I used to giggle all of the time and get the munchies.and now all it does is relax and stimulate me.If the weed you had made you feel like that its only probably because your a beginner.Someone probably laced your small batch.
sounds like you wet your pants...you said you got off the loo and were holding it. maybe you should just ask people who are smokers how they feel you'll get a variety of answers. myself it relaxes me. If i feel sick it takes away the nausea. after a bad day makes me feel happy. If you think it was awful then it was ,it's not for everyone. good luck on your writing.
Well first off drugs are not "wrong" to take. They are only if you are irresponsible and cannot control yourself. The vast majority of people who drink, smoke, and do other drugs are just fine, happy, nice people. They just enjoy doing drugs because they are fun, like any other activity you might want to do. Just remember when doing them, research what your doing so you know about it, and make sure what your doing is safe.
Being Informed is the key.
Also your first experience is not usually good. Its either really weird and not enjoyable, or it doesn't have any effect. I suggest, only if you want to though, try it again and see what you think.
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