
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I had this dream. What does it mean?

In my dream I'm a police officer in training and I'm driving around with a trainer and it just so happens that we are in my neighborhood. There was a domestic disturbance. Kids having a party. When we were leaving I noticed it was my house, but when I was inside it didn't look like my house even though the layout was the same. We got a call and as we were leaving a car comes speeding towards us. My trainer gets angry and turns the car around and chases after them. They don't pull over immediately, but when they do my trainer rushes over and drags the front passenger out of the car. I hesitate to get out b/c he didn't tell me whether to come or stay. I finally do get out and help escort one of the kids into the police car. He brushes my hand away and tells me 'No'. At this point I am now semi-aware that I'm dreaming and have the instinct to trip him, but I pause. I think it again, but do nothing and this kid is now ready to fight me. I pause again and cower back to the police car.
That seems like a classic anxiety dream to me. I had tons of those when I was in college, and even for a few years after. Every time I was stressed out I would dream I was having to take an exam I hadn't studied for at all, and yours reminds me of that. I think your subconcious mind is just trying to process the anxieties you are dealing with.

It sounds like you are dealing with your anxieties in your daily waking life in a constructive way, too, which is good. You realize that you might have a weakness, and are working on getting stronger, so that sounds like a very positive way of dealing with your anxiety. My only caution would be not to go overboard though in trying to get too big in a negative or unhealthy way by taking steroids of course, or by going overboard defensively and using too much force and becoming overly aggressive rather than becoming an assertive police officer. Good luck!
it means that you had a long night dream!
Than you were in REM sleep.

Who says dreams have meaning?
You were dreaming of being Jackie on one of the lost episodes of Roseanne.
Your dream isn't predicting anything. It's a sign of anxiety, meaning that you are very worried about your training. Because you probably it's not acceptable for you to show your real fears, or even to acknowledge them to yourself, they are coming out subconsciously, in dreams.

You don't need to lie to yourself. Be honest - talk about how afraid you are, that you wonder if you're going to be good enough, if you're going to survive. I'm sure you will be, and you need to realize that for yourself. Having trepidation and second thoughts is normal, and healthier than jumping into a career blindly. Good luck to you.
There are many opinions on how to interpret dreams.

Do we really know? Don't know.
I think that you are overly stressed and anxious. I think that once you take this test you'll see a much better improvement. You are already playing in your mind what you think you should know by becoming a police officer but in reality it will all come from experience. There's always a fear of not doing the job right or the fear of failure or injury. Don't worry I believe it's just your nerves. If this is truly something you've been after for a while then you will be o.k. Make sure you work out good in the day to help ease your mind and take away some stress. It will also help relax you more at bed time. Eat a good breakfast full of protein. Just concentrate on your goal of passing the exam for now. You'll be ok after it's all over and done with. Good Luck!
dreams are just what our brains are thinking about, though we me never know we are. so the dream was just a way of your brain telling you in a weird way that it's nerves about the test. and it's probably secretly wondering if something out of the ordinary will happen. so don't worry about it, and now slap yourself for believing in superstitions!

good luck on the test!
I dont know if this is going to make you feel any better but my husband is a police officer and he tells me he has dreams that he gets shot and its the same dream every time and it scares both of us because obviously it is a risk he takes everyday being a cop but maybe you just have to think of it that becoming a police officer may be the prominent thing on your mind at the moment and usually your dreams reflect on what you think about most during the day until you go to sleep. I wouldnt worry about it too much, follow your heart. If its really what you want to do in your life dont let a little dream ruin that for you. As far as your size goes mind over matter the smallest people can be the strongest meanest people if need be, keep going to the gym , take some supplements you'll bulk up. Good luck!
Mean you have a fetish about police officers
All the people in your dream are probably aspects of yourself. The trainee is you, obviously, and so are the kids--I get whole crowds of people in my dreams--the kids express your less mature and rebellious self. Cars can be your body, it's what you get around in, yours are fast and powerful but you aren't driving, the trainee (training) is, so your anxiety about training might be taking over your life right now. That sounds pretty normal. Being hurt in the stomach area relates to your solar plexus or gut--what's your gut feeling? Pay attention to it. When you know you are dreaming you can ask a question and it will be answered, so that is a good sign. The world needs good cops and I think you will be one. Even if you get in and find it's not the kind of work you want to do it might be a springboard to something else. If your gut tells you to go in a different direction, though, you probably should listen. Good luck.

its a message to you-we all have a hero in us-and also we chose our battles too.

you will learn to work as a team-right now your not ready -that is why you will get training and you wont go in puffy like you got it all-but rather like ready to learn and do your best-in this arena-you cover each others back or else your dead or out-you will do fine

yet I encourage you to consider this as more than a night or day dream=and you will be dealing alot with drug and drug related problems=is the home of choice-yet lives in America where he wont get killed for doing dope-just make millions leading the blind.

and misses the highest high-not from the earths cursed weeds and other drugs but high on Jesus Christ from above-worked for me and keeps me the highest I have ever been and not for money or to lead the blind astray-amazing grace I once was blind but now I see=John 3 repented of my sins asked Jesus in and got born again=prayed=

"Jesus I am sorry for my sins come into my heart and help me, be my best friend, amen."

Revelation 3:19%2620 "I Jesus love you and speak from heaven to let you know that I knock on your heart door to come in and be your friend, when you repent from sin (even one lie) and ask me in."

Worked for me and keeps me happiest ever in my life, the sweet pea praying for thee, and the highest high on earth and heaven too. Not breaking the law and getting addicted too what burns your brain and lets us ask questions that say more about us then a garbage we throw away.

for your exam I will pray %26 have the best ever day!

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