i have a bad cold and i am ment to be going on hoiday in 4 days! what can i do to get rid of itwell before then?
i lhave really good luck with sweating it out by wrapping up @nite in a thick blanket .couple of nites sweating takes care of it!!!!!!!!!!...
I recommend that if u r in the UK, then go and buy some Asda Cold and Flu capsules, take them every 4 hrs.
They work wonders for me. x
a cold usualy only lasts for a couple of days anyway
CHOCOLATE! It does actaully help. Something to do with the cocoa..i think. Try hot lemonade aswell. That usually works for me, and plenty of rest. x]
I use echinacea drops and lots of vitamin c. You could try to sweat it out. Good luck! Hope you are able to enjoy your holiday!
Sleep as much as you can - both day and night. Sleeping is the best medicine!
Drink a lot off water to wash you inside body.
Eat high vitamine C fruits such as orange.
No matter what - go to bed and sleep!
hmmm probably not much :( tea with a slice of lemon and honey will help, its a natural antiseptic, the lemmon help to clear the nose and the honey the throat :) pleanty of fluids and rest :) sleep heaps :) or you could try the cold and flu medicine but the cold is a virus and it goes away on its own you can only less its effects :) good luck enojoy your holiday :)
The mighty magic cure of the sea, spend a day, or some hours in the ocean surf, if possible, it has been known to take away a cold, and speed healing of a wound. The cold is treated to the salty mineral laden vapors of the surf turbulence.
The old saying of "three days coming, three days with you, and three days going" usually applies, and nothing you can do will really get rid of it.
You can make yourself feel better in the meantime though. Most of the over the counter cold remedies work well, as does keeping well hydrated, resting and taking plenty of vitamin C (oranges etc).
Good luck %26 enjoy your holiday!
Anything ginger. Ginger ale, ginger tea...if you have a Korean shop somewhere, ask them for ginger tea. That's what I usually look for when I'm having cold. Make sure the drink is hot.
And a huge dose of Vitamin C.
It helps too if you get out and sweat it out. Might be crazy to hear this, but exercise usually cure me off cold fast. Just make sure you don't overdrive yourself til you're dizzy and to the point of passing out. Just enough to get some sweat out.
My point is whatever makes you sweat I guess. If you have to put on 10 layers of heavy sweaters and sit in front of the fireplace, so be it. Sweat, sweat, sweat.
Day nurse / night nurse combo! The night nurse knocks you out so you sleep really well, which is one of the best ways to fight a cold. Also, drink plenty of fresh orange juice to top up your vit C.
Unfortunately nothing decreases the duration of a cold. All you can do is try symptomatic therapy. Vitamins have no effect on either preventing or treating colds and echinacea is one of the few herbal remedies where a controlled study actually showed that the placebo group got fewer colds which went more rapidly than the echinacea group, clearly demonstrating it to be either useless or even worse than useless!
Take lots of natural vitamin C. You cannot overdose as this is a water soluble vitamin and will be excreted after 6 hours. So take doses of it all through the day. If you can afford it, drink Aloe Vera Gel, (not juice - this has been diluted 200 times with water. Gel is 100 percent pure Aloe Vera), take a liter and drink 100 ml to start, and then 50 ml all through the day till the bottle is finished. A cold always takes 7 days to get out of the system, with or without a doctor.
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