
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I have a health question in regards to my stomach?

I ate a bunch, 9 i think, cherry tomatoes yesterday. My stomach felt queesy and kept me up all night so I decided to vomit and a whole cherry tomatoe popped out. Will the tomatoes eventually digest, or do i have to vomit them all out? Are there any serious complications that might arise from these tomatoes just sitting in my stomach?
To have whole tomatoes pop out in vomit means you didn't chew them down correctly.

They will pass into you intestine after a few hours of sitting and churning. But you have choosen to eat something the stomach has trouble digesting over the usual 2 or 3 hour period that it sits in your stomach.

The only complication will be severe heartburn and indegestion as tomatoes contain an acid and cause reflux of stomach acid.
98% of all illness begins in the stomach
You must clean it out using a natural product called riddance and kinotakara its a 5 day course which works really well for further info visit my website
I laughed so much reading your question =D. I hope you're not offended though. And 9 cherry tomatoes isn't much. Or is it... And when you say "decided to vomit" you mean sticking your fingers down your throat? Or take laxatives? Not good. And yes, they will eventually digest, but they will take a long time seeing as you decided to swallow them whole. But it'll be fine, trust me =D.

I have a hard lump in my neck about a half inch away from a mole, what could this be?

It is on the left side of my neck, halfway between my shoulder and ear, and about a half an inch behind the ear. It feels like it is the size of a marble, and I can move it around a little. It hurts a little to touch, and my jaw hurt when I open it.

I haven't had a cold in about a year - so it couldn't be from being sick.

I normally wouldn't be *too* concerned with it, but like I said, it is a half inch away from a mole.

When I was younger I had a mole removed because they thought it was cancerous. This mole hasn't changed colors yet - but I worry a lot.

I don't have insurance so I want to research this as much as I can before I resort to going to my doctor.

Any help would be great!
Sounds like a swollen gland (lymph node). They exist in clumps, and there is a chain right in the area you describe. They can swell when you have been exposed to an illness, and your body is fighting it off, even if you haven't become symptomatic or "come down" with the illness itself. Still, if you are concerned, or if the lump is hard or doesn't move at all, or is really painful or grows quickly, it is best to have it checked out.

Good luck,
maybe you have some kind of infection and its just an inflamed lymph node. that happened to me all i took was antibiotics... and it went away. go to a doctor.
It could just be a swollen gland that some antibiotics would clear but it also could be more serious. You should go to the doctor, dont put this off.
well it could be anything. maybe you didn't drink enough water. or maybe other thing.. i strongly recommand you to go see a doctor for your own safety. good luck.
It doesn't matter what *I* think it is. You're worried, and that's all the reason you need to go to the doctor. If you can't afford to go, then go to the ER; it's not the ideal solution, but it will do the job.
Most lumps are not cancerous but are scary, but all lumps should be examined by a competent physician. The mole is unchanged so it may be unrelated. No insurance does makes it difficult. Tell the doctor you haven't insurance and ask if they have a "self-pay" rate (uninsured patients will be charged a little less). Be prepared to pay for the visit at the time of the visit, however.

If recommended by the doctor, MRIs or CATs to examine the lump is another matter. When with the doctor ask if he can direct you to an organization that will help underwrite the tests if necessary. Don't delay, it may be something simple, you'll save yourself worry and be reassured. Good Luck.

I have a friend who is 10 and wants to know tips to grow taller this summer because she doesn't like milk!!

The only tips she knows is sleep and milk.
PS Whoever gives me the most and useful tips gets best answer!
broccoli and celery have tons of calcium. but height isn't determinedby calcium intake, its determined by genetics. In that case maybe she could try experimental gene therapy? But milk, the unorganic kind does really make you grow (sideways) due to the high amount of hormones they use to juice up those cows. it's good that she doesn't like milk. Its bad for your bones, your liver, you heart... its been shown to cause arthritis, etc etc. tell her that she has a very healthy intuition.

I have a friend who has an eating disorder?

Well I have a friend and she has an eating disorder..I'm not sure what exactly, but she says she's had it for a long time and I'm wondering if there's anywhere online or something that might help her
Eating disorders are dangerours %26 could kill her if she doesn't get help %26 over come it. I would see if she can get into conunseling. This isn't healthy for her. I wish you the best. Good luck.
wanted mental control
it's all emotional.

I have a five month old who weighed 13 lbs at her last visit, she is sick and can' t nurse?

I want to give her a decongestant because nothing else will work, I don't know how much to give her. Please help! She's miserable poor baby. She doesn't have any medical issues or illnesses if that helps. I was going to give Robitussin, but there is no dosage for children under 2 years old.
Here are things you can use:
Vicks Plug Ins
Saline Nose drops (Little Noses)
Breastmilk in her nose
Going into the bathroom and running the shower. The steam will help unplug her.
Buy a nose sucky thing and suck the junk out of her nose.
Run a vaporizer in the room she is in (close the door if possiable)
Boil water, turn off and put a few drops of essential oil in it.
Good luck and I hope she feels better.
When my daughter was an infant and got congested this is what I did. We would go in the bathroom, and I would run the shower very hot, and let it get steamy in the bathroom. It would help break it up, and I got that from a Dr. Spock book. OTC medicines usually won't give you any recommended doses for babies, but you can ask a pharmacist what he would recommend. Call a pharmacy that is open, and ask him how much you should give. My ex had a friend who was a pharmacist, and he was a big help.
I don't think that doctor's recommend giving a baby that young any type of medicine. You should call a pharmacy or call your baby's doctor before you do anything!

I have a few questions about soda?

My first question is can soda hurt your voice? I like to sing and I also drink a lot of soda, so I was wondering does it hurt your singing/ voice?

My second question is how can I cut down and stop drinking soda so much? I am like addicted to the stuff and I know it is bad 4 my health, so I wanted to cut down.

Also, is there a non-alcoholic drink that tastes like soda but is not bad for your health? I don't think there is but I just wanted to see if there was one that is actually good 4 your health.

Thanks so much! =)
Hi Sunshine,

1. depends what kinda soda-Coke will do strange things to your innards ( open a can of Coke %26 pour it on some rust on a car %26 see what happens. And drinking warm H2O (water) with fresh lemons is refreshing, warm with honey %26 lemon slices is good for a sore throat .

2. %26 3. Try drinking H2O with either lemon or lime slices in a 8oz. glass,Glace'au Vitamin water, Powerade, Gatorade, Tang, warm tea with honey, spitz water you can add lemon.lime,orange slices, spring water (all kinda brands there), flavored water, fruit juice, milk.

I used to drink 4 bottles of Coke a day not to mention a pot of black coffee-caffiene addiction then I switched to vitamin water-my favorite is XXX acai-blueberry-pomegrate (triple antioxdants) %26 H2O.
Good luck %26 have a good day. :0)
Warm water is actually best for you if you are a singer.
Try lemondade with honey for a change.

Ace =)
Soda Pop is toxic on your whole body. The way you can quit drinking it is to find an alternative beverage that makes you feel good and cleanses the toxins out of your body. Cleansing your body will remove the soda chemicals so you won't have the cravings anymore.
Calli is an herbal tea that will provide you natural energy without caffein or harmful chemicals and it cleanses out heavy metals and old toxic buildup. I have a personal testimonial from drinking Calli. I will provide it on request..

Calli is a very powerful deep tissue cleanser. It feeds the general yang, or cleansing, function of the body. Its ingredients were used by priests in ancient China for their ability to produce mental clarity. It has been known to dissolve arthritic deposits, help break down plaque in hardened arteries, leach out heavy metals, break up cysts, help neutralize free radicals, and help remove parasites. It also has antifungal properties. It improves liver function, aids fat metabolism, increases energy, strengthens digestion, and improves nervous system function. Its main ingredient, Camellia sinensis, contains polyphenols, which research shows to function as antioxidants to help reduce the risks of some cancers. Other research suggests that polyphenols can help reduce harmful cholesterols.

People with large amounts of stored drug or toxic deposits, or the severely ill should begin using Calli in very dilute amounts. It can cause strong cleansing reactions in some people.

I can assist you further.. Take care, Chad

I have a fear to use public toilets.?

I have a fear to use public toilets i avoid to use public toilets the only time I use public toilets is when there is absolutely no one in the toilets at all I cant seem to find any information on this. Could someone please help me?
The fear of using public toilets is part of "toilet phobia" with include the fear of not being near a toilet when outdoors.

Just do a Yahoo search and type "fear of using public toilet" and you will get tons of websites that will help you deal with your problem. You're not alone, millions of people suffer from this. Just get help, it's out there.
i don't get you
I can only pee in public toilets. I refuse to crap in a public toilet. It's a weird sort of deal but there are sick people out there man
Hey they ARE very unsanitary so I feel ya...
Your disorder is called "jonaphobia" and it's terminal. Sorry.
Why do you need information on it? Just freakin lock the stall door, and go! I hate using public restrooms too, but if you gotta go you gotta go!
i have the same problem it discuses me to go in a public bathroom.
There are quite a few men who have a "shy bladder". They cannot urinate, especially at a urinal, when there are other people using the urinals as well.
i think thats good, i always prefer to use a bush instead, no chance of getting diseases from old freaks out there.
You have a phobia.
Maybe is it a form of social anxiety.
you dont have to sit on the seat just go if you need to go, thats what i do, and always wash your hands and you dont have to be scared. good luck.
I dispise public toilets!! Even those little paper thing they have to put on it arent good if the person before you was a disgusting freak. I gon't know what you should do, maybe just go before you leave the house?

I have a drug test on monday?

I smoked pot late last Sunday nite and was told on Monday morning that I had to take a piss test late Tuesday afternoon. I didnt smoke any pot Mon. or Tues. and I went and bought a cleansing drink from GNC. I made sure I drank plenty of fluids all day Tuesday and I followed the directions on the drink's label. When I took the test, the urine looked almost clear.Now, I HAVE passed a drug test a couple years back with this same company b4 using the same methods. I've just heard these "cleansing drinks" they make now are useless and i'm a little worried about that. I bought the Strip somethinor another from GNC.
There's no for sure answer for this. The only way to find out is to get the test results back. Try drinking pickle juice, I heard that works.

Best of luck and hope everything works out =)
Pot is the one drug that stays with you for the long haul...There are cleansing shampoos and drinks but sometimes they don't work and chances are you are too late to do them. If your employer suspects that you are using or that you are trying to clean your body out, they may take a hair test.

Good luck!
You're up s--ts creek!!
dude get quickfix, it works, it's a urine substitute that you can tuck under your sack, and wrap with hand warmers (the kind hunters use), make sure to wear tighty whiteys! i dont' smoke pot, but my buddy used it to get a great job and he smokes all the time.
it takes 2weeks to get out of your urine ststem all of it and also the saliva is two weeks. but for the hair is 6 months literally to get it all out so i dont u might pass if u drink all of citrus jucies and cranberry juice and urinate alot. remember saliva and urine test dectect up to 2 weeks and hair is 6 months.
Try buying some niacin. It works wonders. Buy it and take it on sunday. Than drink alot of water. Just whatever u do, dont itch, cuz yeah that stuff will make u itch but it works wonders.

I have a curved upper back (shoulder blades pop out) and my lower back curves inward?

Well for the longest time i've had a curved upper back and I need help on how to straighten my back so that it is normal. I play games on the computer if that affects my back in anyway. Any suggestions? Thanks
when i was growing up my shoulder blades stuck out kinda. I worked out using weights, one of the exercises i done was to sit upright with the weight bar on my shoulders and using both hands at shoulder length apart push it straight up. I think that particualar exercise is the reason my shoulders look normal now. Use light wieghts and only tone your shoulders. 3 sets 20 per set every other day and you will be happy.
I'm very sorry for your disorder. My suggestion would be go to your doctor.
hope you get better

I have a co-worker that farts allllll day long?

What should i do about it? This is gross and i shouldnt have to deal with it
Of course you don't have to deal with that. That is dirty and disrespectfull. If I were you, I would say it straight. If that doesn't work, I would go to Human Resources and let them deal with it.
Shove a bottle of BEANO in his face and walk away. hopefully he'll get it.
That's pretty bad. I'd go to your superior and let him know. Or find a way of asking the guy to stop in a somewhat polite manner, although you shouldn't have too.
Give them some beano for a present, and hope they use it!
mmm well you could talk too him I mean it may be nasty but thats about all you can do besides putting gasX in his drink hehe
Do they do it on purpose ?. I would constantly complain about the smell, when other people are in the room aswell. they will get so embarrassed that hopefully they will stop it. Although not to be to harsh because it could be a medical problem which they have no control over.
A delicate situation. First, I would, in a nice way, tell the person that you are offended by this. And then if it continues, the supervisor should be told.
Do they sit near you? Every time they let one go you could: get up and walk away; get out the air freshener and spray; say aloud: do we have dead mice? something smells around here! Seriously though, you could put an air freshener out (renuzit) or you could try leaving them some Gas-Aid in their Inbox.
try 2 be professional about it. pull the person aside and tell them straight up that it is bothering u and u are unable to work in these conditions, if they dont take it wel or refuse to listen then go to HR Human resourced and file a complaint, no one should be so tacky with theyre bodily functions that work cannot be completed! U have the right to clean air in ur work environment! -Nay
Well why dont you give him/her some medicine to help stop it. But wrap it up as a gift and give it to him as a "gift". Kind of make it seem like your joking but im sure that he/she will get the point.
take a crap on their desk
Take a s*it on his desk.
open a window and eat plenty of brussel sprouts yourself
is it silent or loud farts? coz if its silent id say its medical but if its loud they are being pig ignorant and confrontational and kind of bullying so i would just come out and say can you plz refrain. If its silent spread the word and it might sort itself out.
Talk about them in the canteen. Given them a nickname, Eventually the whole company will be on your side.
there's not much you can do about this if that person has a medical issue. you can ask to move! perhaps you can buy some air freshener and open the window.

if they are being plain ignorant then you'll need to speak to our supervisor but if it's medical there's not much you can do about this one!

I have a cold. Is it safe to keep taking my probiotics and 5-HTP if I'm taking OTC meds for the cold?

Currently I'm only finishing up a tube of Airborne. I'll be taking my last Airborne tablet in a couple of hours. If I don't feel better I'm gonna start taking either Nyquil or Tylenol Cold Severe Head Congestion. Do you think it will be safe if I continue to take my probiotics (I take 2-3 Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra probiotic capsules a day) and 1 capsule of 5-HTP 100mg while taking either one of the cold medicines I listed above? Does anyone know if it's ok to do this?
They will not interfere with the cold medicine and the probiotics will help if you have a sensitive stomach.

I have a cold and it's hard to breathe?

i have a cold and i am having trouble breathing, like i have to breathe in deep a lot and i am dry coughing a lot. what can i do to get rid of this?
boiling water and vick in a bowl
towel over your haead and bowl
breath in
at bedtime drink hot water honey and lemon (dash of whisky if you are old enough)
go see a doctor
vix chest wonders! sold at drugstores
get a prescription from your dr. and breath in steam like from the shower in the meantime.
omg i hate that!!!! grr:@ lol..

what i do is sweat my colds out, i blast the heat (not literally) but i keep it warm in my house or room and i sweat it out. and i often took hot baths.

i got rid of it by fighting it off. i didnt take any medication
Take robatussin dm. If doesn't improve see a doctor. Might be the start of plurisy.
drink some hot tea,,, green tea preferably..
and make sure you get anything with *eucalyptus in it. be it creams, ointments or the tea.

it does wonders for the respitory functions.
see doctor... Go to pharmacy. Give yourself a rest... Hope you get well soon
drink tea and at night drink warm water with black pepper
inhaling steam is the quickest way to clear your nose.
if you can get an inhaler, well and good otherwise just boil some water in a vessel (can add basil leaves ) take it off the stove. then inhale the steam from it deeply . take care not to touch the vessel. you could throw a towel over you head to make a mini steam chamber too ;)
steam inhalation and/or nasal drops.
d best way is nasal drops followed after 10-15 mins by steam inhalation.
Cough is caused by a number of ailments.
It can be treated by over the counter medicines
or home remedies. More information available

I have a chance to get a good paying job?

But I need to clean my urine for a drug test. How do I clean out my urine from marijuana fast?
Stop using drugs entirely. You may get a good job depending on your education and experience, but you are not going to keep it if you don't change your lifestyle. I run a business and I would never hire anyone who uses illegal drugs or has an alcohol problem.
stop using drugs dude. I'd never hire you if you were a drug user. There is no way to "clean your urine fast" Just stop using and eventually it will disappear.

I have a burning sensation on my sides.. A loaded question needing a loaded answer anyone please!?

ok.. i am a gastric bypass patient.. lately i have had a burning sensation on both my sides right above my hp bones but towards the back of my body. when i go to bed at night i get these terrible stomache pains or just mid-[ains in general... i also havent had a period since april but have taken two home tests more then a month apart and the results are negative... i have been very active lately (more ever in my life) by exercising but Im not losing weight (in fact Ive gained some) and I am undergoing some stress... what the hell is going on with me? please anyone can help because i joined the military and am leaving for bootcamp next week so i need to make sure im ok before i go! any advice would be great!!!
Maybe you need to slow down a bit. Talk to your recruiters and tell them you may need another opinion on your physical condition at this time. Have you had rechecks with your surgeon. I can't say what exactly is going on but it sounds like you need to see a doctor.
The best thing you can do is consult the physician who did your gastric bypass surgery to ensure nothing is going on there; they can give you a referral if they determine all is well with your gastric bypass. Do it soon esp. before your military service. Be honest with your recruiter; believe me; they want a person to be at his/her best for military service.

I have a bump in the crease where my leg meets my vagina. its not painful, and when i pop it..white stuff?

comes out and then a little blood like a pimple. its never painful, not even when i pop it. theres only that one, ive never had any others, but it comes and goes, and its always in the same exact spot. [its not very big]

sorry this is so graphic..but its driving me crazy not knowing what it is.

any ideas?
It sounds like you have a boil since it keeps comming back see a doctor.
I've actually had something similar. It's right where my underwear rubs which makes it hurt sometimes. But i cant figure it out either. I've had them in a few different spots. I'm going to the obgyn soon but I live in florida and my doctors in NY. I'd suggest just going to a doctor if you can.
It's an ingrown hair that has become somewhat infected (white stuff is puss). If you can possibly see it, or use a mirror, try to pull out the ingrown hair...problem solved. Also, use a loofah sponge to slough off the dead skin cells from now on, it helps prevent ingrown hairs. It's quite common.
Might be a boil or ingrown hair follicle. Check with your gyno.
It sounds to me like a pimple or sebaceous cyst. I am not a doctor, but I am a medical librarian. This is just an opinion based upon reading and experience. Basically, a sebaceous cyst is a "zit" and can occur anywhere you have sebaceous glands (AKA sweat glands!)- not just on the face. You can even get one on the mucous membrane of the vulva itself. If it keeps coming back, you might see a doctor and find out if there is an ingrown hair tunnelling through the skin and causing it to become filled with pus over and over. That happened to a friend of mine. She thought it was just a pimple (sebaceous cyst) and after months she finally saw a doctor. She had an ingrown hair that had tunnelled several inches through her skin and was getting re-infected monthly. They cut it out and sewed up the "tunnel."

Also, I know it's tempting, but popping it isn't the greatest thing to do. When I had a cyst/pimple in an odd place, the doctor told me to put hot wet compresses on it for 20 minutes 3 times a day untilit came to a head and drained on its own. And if it keeps recurring, they may need to excise it (cut it out).

If you are worried that it could be an STD, remember: herpes would not have white stuff and then blood like a zit. It would have clear liquid. You also would not be able to "pop" a herpes lesion or a genital wart.
A Pimple?

I have a blood disorder which requires expensive medication each month ($2500/mo). Help!?

My husband and I both have full-time jobs, so we aren't eligible for prescription assistance. However, we simply cannot afford this medication every month for a year. Are there any options for me (programs, etc) that could make this medication more affordable? Changing/taking myself off the medicine is unfortunately not an option at this time.
You can check with the manufacturer of the medicine and see if they have a program that you qualify for, and you can look into the Medicaid Spend Down program. You have to ask about it by name at your Medicaid office. It's a way to get help with medical bills even if you make too much money to qualify for Medicaid. Here's a link for more info:

Good luck!
Don't you have medical insurance thru one of your jobs? If not you may have to take out a loan. Sounds radical and expensive, but you sound as if you can't live without this medicine.
Me and my wife both work full time and make too much to get ANY help. I have ordered my meds online for years and never regretted it. Two great sites i can personally vouch for are
4-rx carries 500 meds in their generic forms for the cheapest prices anywhere.
Xl Pharmacy-Rx carries 600 meds. SO between the two, hopefully one will work for you.

I have a bad temper what is the best way to get rid of my agression without taking it out on someone else?

go to church.
You could try anger management classes. Sometimes an underlying trauma/reason causes us to have bad tempers, it needs to be released before you can learn to control such things.
The best thing to do is go to an anger management class or more then one they help alot and know ways that you can help this problem-however if you dont want to go to classes you can find books on the subject and read up on it .good luck.
Next time you begin to get mad, simply think. No, there are no other steps. If you're an intelligent person, you'll be able to control your temper. "She just called me a ***** and flipped me off. I guess it doesn't matter what she thinks, now does it? I'm not posing for anyone, so no worries. Besides, she wins if I get mad, and she'll lose something if I don't. If I do, I'll lose not just something, but a lot of things, including control of my own body."

... Oh, and become healthier, don't eat fast food and lose some weight, etc. Also, don't do drugs; medical or other.


Btw, I've known no one to grasp success from some gawdawful pos scam anger management class. : P You may consider using your money for other things that might actually affect your health. Oh, and you've gotta know: If you get mad at me for speaking the truth, you're on your way to failure-land.
The standard answers are get anger management training. If you can't do that, try deep breathing and counting to 10 before doing or saying anything. Yoga helps because it helps you focus. Also, take a long walk, exercise, pull weeds, power clean... activities are very helpful.
i got the same problem. usually id hit something like a wall or boxes that were filled with something. im a little older now so what i do instead is punch a punching bag. I got one and put it in my basement. its a kiddie one so it doesnt weigh more than 5 lbs but it does help. if not, try getting info on kickboxing or any kind of physical activities. If you dont feel like doing that though, i would say to get a journal or something and write everything down. one of the two should be somewhat helpful.
Just take deep breaths and be calm dont let some jerk who probably already knows that you have a temper but the best way is to meditate and to do alot less talking i once read in a magazine that less taking is less fustrating because you dont waste so much time trying to get the other person to better understand you so just let it go if it isnt that important.
if you get angry hit a pillow. or hit a wall...i prefer the pillow myself.
get a heavy bag and beat the snot of it

I have a bad sore throat when i woke up. What is it and what do i do?

Gargle with warm salt is the BEST remedy for a sore throat...most likely, it is an irritation in your throat due to allergies... may have slept with your mouth open last night...which causes the throat to dry up and feel sore the next morning...(if your nose is a little stuffed-up, you may have breathed through your mouth a good portion of the night)...
Unless you are running a fever (101 or higher) I wouldn't worry...
Most likely a viral infection. Over the counter cold%26flu treatments, plenty of fluids and rest should help you.
These things tend to last a few days to a week.
This time of year. it's probably ALLERGIES. take an OTC allergery med and drink plenty of fluids and pray for rain to cleans the air.
I'm just going to say the same thing to you as I've said to three other people! You might have tonsillitis like me. Are your tonsils at the back of your throat swollen or covered in white dots?
If you have a sore throat, any mucus in the back of your throat, or any fever, you should see a doctor. You could have strep throat, which requires antibiotics. Not seeing a doctor in that event could result in damage to the heart.

If it is just a sore throat with no other symptoms at all, try gargling with warm salt water and suck on throat lozenges. It could be the result of allergies or a small viral infection.

Try taking tylenol and like I said, gargling. See if that helps. If it is not better in a couple of days, I would definitely go see the doctor.

Hope you feel better soon!
Darlin you should not be telling strangers how old you are. You're paintin a bullseye on yourself for predators. Don't give out our real name, phone no. address or the came of your school either.
Get a cup of warm water and sprinkle some salt in it, about a teaspoon. Do NOT drink it- just gargle with it and spit it out.
To gargle you just hold the water in your mouth, tip your head back and swish it around your throat like you would mouthwash.
Where's your mom hon? You probably just have a bit of a cold. If you're running a fever or feel sick in other ways make sure you tell someone and go to the dr. if you need to.(school nurse?) Usually sore throat will be gone in a day or two or 3. Gargle 4 or 5 times a day and get some hard candy or cough drops to help keep away the soreness.


I have a bad drooling problem and it is about to drive me crazy?

I have a bad drooling problem and its getting to be embarrsing.I drool constanly and i bite my tongue also.
Go to the doctor, it sounds like a health problem. It could be a sign of something serious, please get it checked!

Good luck.
You have to stop reading playboy ... or is it a cooking magazine?

I have a bad

I just went to the doctor on Saturday but I may need to go back. I had a sinus infection and she prescribed medicine for that but I forgot to mention this bad cough I have been having.

It comes from the pit of stomach and it hurts because I cough so hard it hurts. It is this dry cough and I do not know what to do.
I am waiting for the doctor to call me back...

Any advice would be helpful
Here are a few simple home remedies that will help to overcome cough. Have honey in a hot drink before bed time.To relieve fits of coughing due to dryness in the throat, suck a few pepper corns. Check out for more remedies and information.

I have a bad couff and need to know what kind?

i have flem or mucus and its a nasty taste, pains in my belly ,and inside my back, sore throat ,conjusted ,runny nose. iIdont know what i need to get treated for but i have a 99% chance to be pregnant.
You need to see a Doctor as soon as possible. You have all the symptoms of a virus called pneumenitis. It is a cough that can turn into pneumonia if gone untreated. It won't hur t your embryo, it's just starting out, but before you go on any meds, tell the DR. that you may be pregnant. Please see a DR.
sure sign of testicular cancer.

cloraseptic spray
When you go to the clinic about your viral infection ask them to do a pregnancy test as well.

I have a bad cold :(?

i have a bad cold and i am ment to be going on hoiday in 4 days! what can i do to get rid of itwell before then?
i lhave really good luck with sweating it out by wrapping up @nite in a thick blanket .couple of nites sweating takes care of it!!!!!!!!!!...
I recommend that if u r in the UK, then go and buy some Asda Cold and Flu capsules, take them every 4 hrs.
They work wonders for me. x
a cold usualy only lasts for a couple of days anyway
CHOCOLATE! It does actaully help. Something to do with the cocoa..i think. Try hot lemonade aswell. That usually works for me, and plenty of rest. x]
I use echinacea drops and lots of vitamin c. You could try to sweat it out. Good luck! Hope you are able to enjoy your holiday!
Sleep as much as you can - both day and night. Sleeping is the best medicine!
Drink a lot off water to wash you inside body.
Eat high vitamine C fruits such as orange.

No matter what - go to bed and sleep!
hmmm probably not much :( tea with a slice of lemon and honey will help, its a natural antiseptic, the lemmon help to clear the nose and the honey the throat :) pleanty of fluids and rest :) sleep heaps :) or you could try the cold and flu medicine but the cold is a virus and it goes away on its own you can only less its effects :) good luck enojoy your holiday :)
The mighty magic cure of the sea, spend a day, or some hours in the ocean surf, if possible, it has been known to take away a cold, and speed healing of a wound. The cold is treated to the salty mineral laden vapors of the surf turbulence.
The old saying of "three days coming, three days with you, and three days going" usually applies, and nothing you can do will really get rid of it.

You can make yourself feel better in the meantime though. Most of the over the counter cold remedies work well, as does keeping well hydrated, resting and taking plenty of vitamin C (oranges etc).

Good luck %26 enjoy your holiday!
Anything ginger. Ginger ale, ginger tea...if you have a Korean shop somewhere, ask them for ginger tea. That's what I usually look for when I'm having cold. Make sure the drink is hot.

And a huge dose of Vitamin C.

It helps too if you get out and sweat it out. Might be crazy to hear this, but exercise usually cure me off cold fast. Just make sure you don't overdrive yourself til you're dizzy and to the point of passing out. Just enough to get some sweat out.

My point is whatever makes you sweat I guess. If you have to put on 10 layers of heavy sweaters and sit in front of the fireplace, so be it. Sweat, sweat, sweat.
Day nurse / night nurse combo! The night nurse knocks you out so you sleep really well, which is one of the best ways to fight a cold. Also, drink plenty of fresh orange juice to top up your vit C.
Unfortunately nothing decreases the duration of a cold. All you can do is try symptomatic therapy. Vitamins have no effect on either preventing or treating colds and echinacea is one of the few herbal remedies where a controlled study actually showed that the placebo group got fewer colds which went more rapidly than the echinacea group, clearly demonstrating it to be either useless or even worse than useless!
Take lots of natural vitamin C. You cannot overdose as this is a water soluble vitamin and will be excreted after 6 hours. So take doses of it all through the day. If you can afford it, drink Aloe Vera Gel, (not juice - this has been diluted 200 times with water. Gel is 100 percent pure Aloe Vera), take a liter and drink 100 ml to start, and then 50 ml all through the day till the bottle is finished. A cold always takes 7 days to get out of the system, with or without a doctor.

I have a back problem, my upper back is curved kinda like a hunch back and my shoulder blades pop out?

My neck also juts forward a bit, I need some suggestions on how to fix my back or straighten it. P.S. could it be because i play video games on the computer? Any suggestions welcome
I would probably recommend going to see a doctor just to be sure that there is nothing seriously wrong, but I would put money on it that you are playing video games maybe a little to much. Maybe you need to exercise a little, like stretching and maybe a couple of other exercises. Try it and it might help you out a little.
It's because you well ..hmmmmm ..heeeee heeeeeee
it could be the video games i suggest a recliner to sit in as you play the TV and game aren't going anywhere and there's no need to be all up in the screen also if its not that fix your poster

I have a anti-depressant pill question?

Does the drup Effexor help people lose weight or does it cause people to gain weight?
Gaining and losing weight are both side effects from it. Although, Effexor is not as bad when it comes to weight gain as the other antidepressants, which is why my MD prescribed it for me.

Just keep track of what and how much you are eating.
I'm not totally sure about that particular anti-depressant but it usually depends on the person.
Usually with anti-depressants different things happen to each individual
Do some searching online to get an accurate answer x
My husband is on effexor and he didn't do either. But I don't think effexor is a real anti-depressant, it just works that way. What it might do is calm your fears and worries and allow you to feel better, therefor being more active and losing more weight.
do you have weight insecurities, if you that is why you are depressed, i dont mean to be rude

I have 2 questions about acidophilus!?

1. Does anyone know if it really helps with lactose intolerance?

2. Are there any side effects with taking it?

I started taking some on Monday and since then I've had diarrhea. I'm not sure if it's just a coincidence or if it's the acidophilus.
Thanks for the info.
It's a probiotic and it's very good. Although acidophilus can help lactose intolerant people tolerate more lactose, you would still probably need to exercise restraint. I'm sure it has its limits. It's unlikely that the diarrhea came from the acidophilus. More likely from excessive intake of lactose.

Kombucha Tea is one good probiotic that may help with lactose intolerance. Also check out your local health food store, like GNC. They'll have lots of alternatives.
Read the label on the acidophilus! I am guessing it contains Lactose since you are lactose intolerant and have had diarrhea since you started taking it. Probiotics are good for people, but if you are lactose intolerant you must be careful about checking the labels because some will have lactose as an additional ingredient.

What you will want to take for you lactose intolerance is Lactase (the main active ingredient in Lactiad). Read the labels and look for supplements with lactase.

Good Luck!

I have 2 good answers who do i choose??

hi i received 2 good answers to my question b4 but i cant pick whose is better..can i choose both??
You cannot choose both. If you are having trouble choosing let it go in to voting. You miss out on a few points but atleast the community can vote and it is more than one opinion.
I think you can only pick one but on the other answer you can give them a thumbs up.,

I have "colds" which actually clogs my nose no I can only breath 1 nostril. Any tips?

What should I do to stop it? Is it because we use the air-conditioner too much? (By the way, Im in the Philippines) Should I drink medicine or I should stay away from the air-conditioner?
Try and avoid the air conditioner, and make sure the air you breathe is moist - have a bowl of hot water near you (a steam inhaler would be better). Add some essential oils like eucalyptus, thyme, oil of wintergreen, peppermint to the water keeps the air a little cleaner and helps clear teh sinuses for some people.

Smelling some essential oils can help some people. I use oil of wintergreen and peppermint; just a few drops on handkerchief, and smell it occassionally. Thyme oil can be added, and helps kill bugs.

Avoid dairy products, wheat products and bananas as they can all increase mucus production.

Horseradish, garlic and fenugreek all help reduce mucus and inflammation. A health food shop in your area might have tablets containing all three.

I hope your sinus congestion resolves soon.
It has nothing to do with air conditioner. Use nasil spray to unclog ur nose.
You also may be confusing your "COLDS" with allergies. IF that's the case, pop some allergy meds.
Try using a fan for a couple of days. the AC might be too strong for you. Steam in the bath should help loosen up your nostril. The warm moisture will help loosen up the clog.You should also try turning down the AC.
I suspect it might actually be an allergy. Try an over-the-counter allergy medication and see if it helps. If it does, consult your doctor to find out what it is that you are allergic to. Good luck! :)

I hav soar red eyes that are sensitive to the sun whats wrong?

Murine or Visine can relieve eye redness. Many people are sensitive to the sun, so make sure you invest in a good pair of sunglasses %26 wear them all the time. See if that makes a difference. ~@-@~
Sounds like you have an infection. Go see your doctor and get them checked out ASAP.
Go to a drug store and buy some eye drops to reduce the redness and get relief. AND when you'll be in the sun next time, WEAR sunglasses with UVSF filters. Then you won't have problems with your eyes. Good luck for you and take care of your eyes!!!

I hav a bad addiction for pot and if i smoke pot again i could lose my girlfriend and its always in my house?

Sounds like you need another girlfriend anyway. All these anti-pot folks are freaking nuts. These same people likely have no problem with cigarettes and alcohol, both of which kill many many people anually. How many people have died from smoking pot? Zero. Look it up.

A lot of people say pot-smokers are losers. Another Reefer Madness myth. I have a bachelor's degree, make 45k (not much, I know- but not bad either), pay taxes, and am an otherwise law-abiding citizen, and am not so hooked that I can't severely cut back if, say, around my girl- who does not smoke. It's not the pot that fucks your life up. Find a girl who hasn't been brainwashed and is capable of putting things in perspective.
If you want to quit. Do it for you. If you do it for someone will end up failing. If you're actually serious...tell someone and seek help. Call the NA hotline.818) 773-9999
If she cant accept the fact that you like to take a toke every so often then tell her to move on...find someone who likes you for your pothead self
why is it in the house when you need to get off it?
Get rid of it.
Flush it, delete your dealer contacts and do somthing else every time you want to smoke,eat it. Um, SOmthing productive..or talk to sombody. Or go do somthing active

I hate exercising with resistance band!!!!HORRIBLE THINGS!!READ READ READ!!!?

a serious of unfortunate events happened today with these things. i was liftin with what i thought were quality bands and i was doin like a tricep exercise and the handle completley ripped and the dam thing flew down like a thousand miles a dam hour and nailed me in the balls the it came back up and hit me in the eye. so after i finally got up off the floor and stopped bawlin my dam eyes out i decided i would tell you guys this story and see if anyone has had this bad of luck
LOL, sorry for your day but the visual was quite funny...I have some resistance bands i am now going to give them a wide, havnt had any accident with them, mine are bally, they are all band no handle so you just wrap it around your hands..hope your feeling better, not all resistance bands are evil.
aww poor thing!! Sue them!
...ow...suddenly I'm glad I'm a chick
That was too much strain on them, obviously.

Using stretch cords, I had two break on the freeway, and had a foot boat fall off the roof of the car. I switched to web strap cables.
Sorry about your luck man!

I hate cigerettes but people who come to my house, smokes , around me. what shall i do?

right i live in a bungalow and my dad has multiple sclerosis and he use to smoke. i hate people smoking and at school, at the moment, i am learning how smoking can harm you. i don't want to get ill from it and i don't want them to get ill from it ever. plus my friends smoke aswell!!
So, your dad used to smoke and some of your friends smoke?
How old are you and your friends - seems like your in early high school, which is when drug awareness is taught - that's really early to start smoking.

Just tell them you won't stay around them if they continue to smoke. If they think you're kidding, leave. If you want them to take you seriously, you must be serious - as with all important things. If they still don't care, then you're probably better off finding more reliable, intelligent friends.

Also, you can make people leave your house if they do anything there that makes you uncomfortable.
Stand up for yourself - you'll be surprised at how strong you are!

-Best wishes ;)
Tell them that there is no smoking in the house. Simple as you live there and they should respect your wishes.
Crazy idea...It's your house, tell them not to do it!!
ask them to go outside or open all the windows.
well tell them not to smoke around u okay
I would politely ask they to go outside to smoke. I have done that and if they are truly your friends then they will be happy to do it.
Just do some research about the effects of inhaling second hand smoke and give or tell that to your friends, if they care about you then they will stop smoking in from of you.
Tactfully tell peeps who come to your house that they cannot smoke inside...If they are true friends they will respect your wishes.
if its your house then tell them to go outside if they want to smoke, your house, your rules!
Seeing as though it is your fathers house ask him straight up if he minds when ppl smoke in the house when you guys don't. If he says he does mind then it is obvious he is too nice to tell his guests otherwise. Ask him if it would be alright for you to ask ppl when they come over to take it outside in a nice way. Tell him you live there too and that you feel disrespected by ppl smoking in the house. I smoke but not in my house all of my friends smoke but they respect the fact that I hate the stale smell in everything.
Tell them nicely, that if they wish to smoke would they kindly go outside, I am a smoket trying to stop and I can understand how you feel. And anyway, they know that your dad is ill, and they should respect the fact that none of you smoke, GOOD LUCK, you sound like a very caring person.
its really good that you hate smoking and just keep the spirit up,
in many countries there is a law to prevent smokers to smoke in public and harm and irritate others, but its happening in your house you just can talk to the smoker very politely and request them not to smoke in front of you and if they don't listen you can leave the place. remember one thing that leaving the place is much better than any other idea if smokers dont listen.
Tell them you don't like the smell of cigarettes and you have a problem when you inhale the smell and inform them you don't like the idea of them smoking around where you are especially in your house.You can also help them quit smoking by advicing them the damage of smoking.I pray you will be able to get their attention.
You don't have to like your friends' habits and you don't have to sit there and take it. Whenever you're around them, just give them subtle hints that the smoke bothers you and you'd wish they'd not smoke in front of you. Tell them nicely to smoke outside before or after they visit your house. If they insist on smoking inside and ignore your wishes, they are not being considerate to you or your father. Ask them to leave. They may not care about their health so you're the only one who can do anything about it.
ask them to take it outside... it is YOUR house
make your bungalow no smooking area
its ur house make it a rule that if ur gona smoke u will have to do it outside or not at all when at ur house, its not being rude to ask ur friends to do this and they should b glad to if they are real friends, just put a sign on ur entry door they will get the hint and if they dont just tell them this is the rule outside or not at all while at ur house it worked for me ,good luck
don't let them smoke in your house or car
Lighten up...
The world is filled with unpleasant odors...(I don't partcularly like the eye-watering miasmic cloud of perfume some women wear, or the smell of car and bus exhaust, or the smell of someone's tabasco covered microwaved leftover fish they just cooked, or hairspray, or locker rooms, or bad breath of any kind, or B.O.or etc etc etc...
But I got used to those things long ago, because I'm not anal retentive about the world's odors...
Life requires you to take in stride many of the world's unpleasant odors, because you can't deodorize the world, the same way you can't child-proof the world from dangers, the way you can't disinfect the world of germs, or rid the world's lawns of dog poop...I could go on and on...
A well-adjusted, tough guy like myself puts up with those things non-chalantly because I have to...
The world's good things balance out the bad things...
Get used to it, and don't be such a namby pamby wimp about a little cigarette odor...
Just ask them kindly not to smoke around you or smoke outside.
Sit down with your family and see if you can't all agree to make your home smoke free. Guests do not have the right to light up in your home if you don't want them to. I am a smoker and no one else in my family smokes, I do not have a problem going outside to smoke when visiting. I know the health dangers and if I am risking mine fine, but others don't have to be put a risk because of me. I don't smoke in other peoples vehicles, unless they are smokers, out of respect for them.
Most smokers I know do not have a problem if asked not to smoke in your home, afterall, it's your home. With the backing of your other family members, you should have a smokefree home in no time.
I understand ur predicament, instead of telling them not to smoke make a chart which says 'NO SMOKING' n which shows the ill effects of smoking. hope my idea helps u.
Hi there,

Very simple. Tell them that they are not allowed to smoke inside your home. Period. If you want to be more accommodating you can always set up an ash tray and a place outside in the backyard, preferably away from the door or open windows so that any second hand somke does not blow in. Unfortunately, smoke will cling to their clothes and they will still bring in some with them. But if you are really adamant, be honest and tell them that it's a non-smoking house. If they are your friends they should understand and respect your decision, it is YOUR house after all!; if they don't you might want to re-evaluate your "friendship" with them.

tell them to go out because its your house your rights
Well its very hard indeed to stop a smoker because in a cigarette there is a chemical called "nicotine". Nicotine is a very addictive substance that can kill a person who's using it a lot. There's a medecine so that a person can stop using nicotine but it maybe take a while. Its called "nicotine pads"(I'm not sure but I watched this at knowledge channel) it has nicotine but a very small amount. I'm not sure about this though...=(
See and see the article about nicotine.


To be honest it may take a while for a smoker to quit smoking even you said to the smoker to stop smoking. I would say good luck to ya.
You can ask your friends in a nice way to step outside the house to have their smoke. Or, you can designate an area in your house for your friends who smoke. Anyway, you can't ask people not to smoke just because you don't like it. They too have a right to do as they please just like anybody else. What you can do is avoid going to places where smoking is allowed and most of all, avoid hanging out with friends who smoke.
ask them nicely to go outside and smoke!

it's horrible isn't it, the smell of smoke? i don't allow anyone to smoke in the house... visitors MUST go outside! i have a no smoking policy indoors.
I'm a non smoker and i tell my friend and family 2 stand in the garden if they want 2 smoke we have a choice not 2 smoke and they should respected that when it comes 2 ur friends don't stand around them when they r smoking
Keep away from the people who smoke. If possible convince them about the ill effects of smoking . Passive smoking effects are as bad as smoking. Also request them not to smoke inside the house and to go to far off place and smoke.
be like please dont smoke in my house u can go outside i agree with u i hate the smell of cigerette smoke it makes me sick i hate that people smoke its like ur killing ur self stop

I had went to the doctor about a test?

And they said it would take about two days at the most its been six days and still no phone call. i have called twice and left two nice messages. the test was a cortisol test. could something be wrong and the doctor has to talk. i just dont understand why the nurse will not call back. my information i left was very clear and the message was very nice
Nobody will get back to you today - it's Sunday. Wait until tomorrow and try again.
go to the surgery
check again tomorrow, if no result is given just go there in person and talk to your doctor personally
They will not call back because they do not know for sure if it is really you and besides, they will not release that type of information over the phone due to HIPPA regulations. You will probably receive a response in the mail showing your results.
No, just relax most doctors are very busy. You have nothing to worry about . If there was a major problem he would have got back to you sooner. I'm sure its nothing!

I had weed/bud today and...?

i know it is wrong to take weed, but i wanted to see what the effects like, smoking it. i'm a writer and i needed to experience it, to know what to write about weed and the effects.
it was awful, i went to the loo and it seemed like i was urinating for ages, it seemed so long i just held it in and got off the loo, i then constantly felt like i was wet and had wet myself. i knew i had not but it felt like it. everything seemed to get bigger andi felt as though i was walking on clouds is this normal?
its the first and last time i will be trying it.
yeah, its normal. I hate weed. It makes me totally uncomfortable and paranoid. It doesn't get better either for me. Tried it many times actually and have always hated it.
Good. Drugs suck.
oou ouuuu.. bad girl. those reactions are pretty normaL if you ask me.
ha nah bro my first time it just made me zone out and made the music in the car seem so clear. we were driving on the highway from kentucky to kansas and i just sit there in a daze. i think i laughed more and stuff but nothing like what was going on with you...i guess it can effect people differently and it depends on what kind of weed it is and if you take anything else with it or if your drinking too. but i would ? the person you got it from it could have been laced w/ something.
oh god i think you are over exaggerating a bit. i smoke weed all the time and i feel perfectly fine. i hold a steady job and am even working on getting my bachelors deegre , so i'm a functioning human being to say the least. i just smoke weed to relax that's all, it's really not that big of a deal.
to be honest your first try of the weed is not something good to go off of. my first time i tried it, i started screaming because i was trying to figure out the universe with geometry, and it was soo confusing. that's never happened to me since i've tried it again. most of the time i feel sleepy and tingly, and sometimes really hungry. usually my skin feels weird, though, like i will use a toothpick to get the dirt out from under my fingernails and then i will have to keep doing that to all my nails because it feels weird when i don't even if there is no dirt underneath them, or my arms will itch and i will have to constantly scratch them. i've never felt like i was on clouds but i have felt light. if you want write about how people normally experience weed, you'll need to try it again just to get the experience right. if you don't want to do that, just check out some websites... has a list of all drugs known and their effects on people, and it's pretty accurate as far as i can tell.
I know it affects everyone differently but you might have anticipated the effects of what was going to happen incorrectly and then dwelled on it. Honestly, I didn't even get high the first time I tried it (most people don't). Unless you have it laced with something, it doesn't "whack" you out like other drugs - even compared to alcohol. I've never heard of anyone having urination problems just on weed alone either. It doesn't sound like you had legit stuff. Too bad it was a bad experience for you. It could really enhance your writing and for the fact it normally is just quite enjoyable!
I've been smoking marijuana for 13yrs. now.and when I first started smoking I used to giggle all of the time and get the munchies.and now all it does is relax and stimulate me.If the weed you had made you feel like that its only probably because your a beginner.Someone probably laced your small batch.
sounds like you wet your said you got off the loo and were holding it. maybe you should just ask people who are smokers how they feel you'll get a variety of answers. myself it relaxes me. If i feel sick it takes away the nausea. after a bad day makes me feel happy. If you think it was awful then it was ,it's not for everyone. good luck on your writing.
Well first off drugs are not "wrong" to take. They are only if you are irresponsible and cannot control yourself. The vast majority of people who drink, smoke, and do other drugs are just fine, happy, nice people. They just enjoy doing drugs because they are fun, like any other activity you might want to do. Just remember when doing them, research what your doing so you know about it, and make sure what your doing is safe.

Being Informed is the key.

Also your first experience is not usually good. Its either really weird and not enjoyable, or it doesn't have any effect. I suggest, only if you want to though, try it again and see what you think.

I had this dream. What does it mean?

In my dream I'm a police officer in training and I'm driving around with a trainer and it just so happens that we are in my neighborhood. There was a domestic disturbance. Kids having a party. When we were leaving I noticed it was my house, but when I was inside it didn't look like my house even though the layout was the same. We got a call and as we were leaving a car comes speeding towards us. My trainer gets angry and turns the car around and chases after them. They don't pull over immediately, but when they do my trainer rushes over and drags the front passenger out of the car. I hesitate to get out b/c he didn't tell me whether to come or stay. I finally do get out and help escort one of the kids into the police car. He brushes my hand away and tells me 'No'. At this point I am now semi-aware that I'm dreaming and have the instinct to trip him, but I pause. I think it again, but do nothing and this kid is now ready to fight me. I pause again and cower back to the police car.
That seems like a classic anxiety dream to me. I had tons of those when I was in college, and even for a few years after. Every time I was stressed out I would dream I was having to take an exam I hadn't studied for at all, and yours reminds me of that. I think your subconcious mind is just trying to process the anxieties you are dealing with.

It sounds like you are dealing with your anxieties in your daily waking life in a constructive way, too, which is good. You realize that you might have a weakness, and are working on getting stronger, so that sounds like a very positive way of dealing with your anxiety. My only caution would be not to go overboard though in trying to get too big in a negative or unhealthy way by taking steroids of course, or by going overboard defensively and using too much force and becoming overly aggressive rather than becoming an assertive police officer. Good luck!
it means that you had a long night dream!
Than you were in REM sleep.

Who says dreams have meaning?
You were dreaming of being Jackie on one of the lost episodes of Roseanne.
Your dream isn't predicting anything. It's a sign of anxiety, meaning that you are very worried about your training. Because you probably it's not acceptable for you to show your real fears, or even to acknowledge them to yourself, they are coming out subconsciously, in dreams.

You don't need to lie to yourself. Be honest - talk about how afraid you are, that you wonder if you're going to be good enough, if you're going to survive. I'm sure you will be, and you need to realize that for yourself. Having trepidation and second thoughts is normal, and healthier than jumping into a career blindly. Good luck to you.
There are many opinions on how to interpret dreams.

Do we really know? Don't know.
I think that you are overly stressed and anxious. I think that once you take this test you'll see a much better improvement. You are already playing in your mind what you think you should know by becoming a police officer but in reality it will all come from experience. There's always a fear of not doing the job right or the fear of failure or injury. Don't worry I believe it's just your nerves. If this is truly something you've been after for a while then you will be o.k. Make sure you work out good in the day to help ease your mind and take away some stress. It will also help relax you more at bed time. Eat a good breakfast full of protein. Just concentrate on your goal of passing the exam for now. You'll be ok after it's all over and done with. Good Luck!
dreams are just what our brains are thinking about, though we me never know we are. so the dream was just a way of your brain telling you in a weird way that it's nerves about the test. and it's probably secretly wondering if something out of the ordinary will happen. so don't worry about it, and now slap yourself for believing in superstitions!

good luck on the test!
I dont know if this is going to make you feel any better but my husband is a police officer and he tells me he has dreams that he gets shot and its the same dream every time and it scares both of us because obviously it is a risk he takes everyday being a cop but maybe you just have to think of it that becoming a police officer may be the prominent thing on your mind at the moment and usually your dreams reflect on what you think about most during the day until you go to sleep. I wouldnt worry about it too much, follow your heart. If its really what you want to do in your life dont let a little dream ruin that for you. As far as your size goes mind over matter the smallest people can be the strongest meanest people if need be, keep going to the gym , take some supplements you'll bulk up. Good luck!
Mean you have a fetish about police officers
All the people in your dream are probably aspects of yourself. The trainee is you, obviously, and so are the kids--I get whole crowds of people in my dreams--the kids express your less mature and rebellious self. Cars can be your body, it's what you get around in, yours are fast and powerful but you aren't driving, the trainee (training) is, so your anxiety about training might be taking over your life right now. That sounds pretty normal. Being hurt in the stomach area relates to your solar plexus or gut--what's your gut feeling? Pay attention to it. When you know you are dreaming you can ask a question and it will be answered, so that is a good sign. The world needs good cops and I think you will be one. Even if you get in and find it's not the kind of work you want to do it might be a springboard to something else. If your gut tells you to go in a different direction, though, you probably should listen. Good luck.

its a message to you-we all have a hero in us-and also we chose our battles too.

you will learn to work as a team-right now your not ready -that is why you will get training and you wont go in puffy like you got it all-but rather like ready to learn and do your best-in this arena-you cover each others back or else your dead or out-you will do fine

yet I encourage you to consider this as more than a night or day dream=and you will be dealing alot with drug and drug related problems=is the home of choice-yet lives in America where he wont get killed for doing dope-just make millions leading the blind.

and misses the highest high-not from the earths cursed weeds and other drugs but high on Jesus Christ from above-worked for me and keeps me the highest I have ever been and not for money or to lead the blind astray-amazing grace I once was blind but now I see=John 3 repented of my sins asked Jesus in and got born again=prayed=

"Jesus I am sorry for my sins come into my heart and help me, be my best friend, amen."

Revelation 3:19%2620 "I Jesus love you and speak from heaven to let you know that I knock on your heart door to come in and be your friend, when you repent from sin (even one lie) and ask me in."

Worked for me and keeps me happiest ever in my life, the sweet pea praying for thee, and the highest high on earth and heaven too. Not breaking the law and getting addicted too what burns your brain and lets us ask questions that say more about us then a garbage we throw away.

for your exam I will pray %26 have the best ever day!

I had sushi last night for the first time, and today my farts smell worse than ever. WHY?

Are really smelly farts common after eating sushi?
Your body is unaccustomed to the bacteria in raw fish. There are also raw veggies in most sushi, which can cause gas.
Because sushi sucks!
Just remember, you ate raw fish, yucky!!
When i eat sushie, I fart about 40 times the next day, but they aren't loud, and they dont smell too bad (well, for my standards), the just smell for a long time.

I had surgery and did not know I was pregnant, about 1 1/2 months, I am nervous if it will hurt the baby??

There is a small chance that your baby may be affected by the surgery. We always try to wait until the woman is in her second trimester - during the first trimester, organogenesis is still occurring and you worry about the effects of anesthesia on those processes; during the 3rd trimester, anesthesia may induce labor. In all reality, there has probably been no serious or lasting effect on your child.
Depends on the type of surgery, the anesthesia used and what medications you've taken since. Speak to your OB/Gyn. That's your best source. I can't imagine why you'd turn to ByeDr.coms. (no slam against Yahoo)
I am SHOCKED they didn't do a pregnancy test first. I've had surgery twice and have always had a test first.

However, you need to call your doctor. We don't know any more than you do.
They didn't do a pregnancy test before your surgery? How'd you manage that? Every hospital I've ever worked at does a pregnancy test on every female between the ages of 10 and 55 who still has her uterus - even if she's a nun. No pregnancy test = no anesthesia. No arguments, no questions asked. Period.

To answer your question, it depends on the type of anesthesia used. Go to your obstetrician and have him/her request a copy of your chart from your surgery. All the information he needs will be on the anesthesia and pre/post-op forms.

I had my gallbladder removed 3 days ago and i wanted to know when i can drink milk and eat dairy products?

You can eat milk or drink dairy products whenever. I had mine removed 6 years ago (I was 17), and I didn't have a problem afterwards. Why was your gall bladder removed and what caused the bacteria to reside there to get it removed?
When I had my gall bladder removed I drank whatever I wanted right away. But play it safe and drink skim milk.
Good Luck.
Ask your doctor.

I had fever (upto 102.5 F) till last Monday, & have taken paracetemol. Since Tuesday, it's around 99 F.?

I had fever since last Saturday evening, and it was high (upto 102.5 F) till Monday. I took paracetamol 4 times a day and it reduced a lot.

I consulted a doctor on Tuesday and he suggested continuing with paracetamol. Since then the temperature is around 99 F regularly and doesn't reduce even if I take paracetamol (once or twice a day)

There were no other syptoms but I have a slightly irritable throat since today.

I'm slightly concerned that the fever is persisting for a week, can someone please advise why this could be so and what I should do. Thanks.
I suggest that you take your medicine for as long as it is necessary. Your doctor knows best.
Perhaps your body temperature is higher than the average man (98.6) and you are almost back to normal.
Also, I suggest you keep windows open in your house. Fresh air can do wonders.

I had Endoscopic Sinus Surgery five days ago, and notice dark red nasal discharge?

I just had Endoscopic Sinus Surgery five days ago.?
I had my Surgery fived days ago, my doctor recommended that I do nasal Irrigation twice a day. but when I do that, thick dark red almost brown stuff comes out of my nose in chunks. is this normal?


I had back surgery as a child, and i have never had any issues with it, but..?

I have noticed that my shoes wear unevenly, and as i get older it seems to get more severe. My sister tried to borrow a pair of my heels and nearly killed herself!! Do you think this could be related to my surgery or back problems, or does that happen to people alot!

Oh and my surgery involved having a tumor removed from my spinal cord (if anyone cares!)
uneven wear in shoes is common. look at the shoes of other members of the family! if your legs are very different in length then it could be because of the surgery. also if there is a neurological deficit following removal of the tumor, then try to work the weak muscles and you will walk better.
It's common that our shoes wear unevenly. Mine do wear unevenly. So don't worry, it's normal. It is primarily cause by uneven pressure we put to our two legs.

I had an operation on friday.i am sometimes finding it hard to breathe easily.?

is it too soon to worry?i mean its only been a few days.i hate hospitals,but i wonder if i came home too soon on friday.
If you are lying flat for any period of time, fluid will collect in your lungs which will give you a feeling of not being able to get your breath properly. Try sitting up instead.
probably just the after effects of the operation. check with your doctor to make sure..
Don't worry, you will be o.k. Just tell your doc 'bout your uneasiness.
You don't say what operation it was that you had; but i wonder if you've got a slight chest infectin or after effects of the anaesthetic !! If i had more details it would be easier to help you.
could be after effects of anaethetic, talk to dr if you are overly worried
It can take a good few days for the anaesthetic to get out of your system, it might be worth making a call to the hospital %26 mentioning your symptoms to them.
Irregardless of what surgery you had, difficulty breathing is not something to take lightly.I would definately call your doctor today and let them know as it is not uncommon for people to form emboli (pulmonary or otherwise) after surgery..It is better to be safe than sorry...
Depending on the type of surgery, you will experience soreness around the throat and chest due to a tube that goes in for the surgery while u are under anesthesia.

If you are having continuous SOB (shortness of breath) then highly recommended to call the Dr. they can make a judgement call on what they want to do. very hard to make this call without med recs or type of surgery. I know it is scary. but it is no worse than the surgery. scary part is done. commend you for your bravery and also wanting to question if this is normal recovery.

good luck and i hope this is what you are looking for
the anaesthetics just wearing off.
Contact your doctor about your concerns.
You should get back in touch with your doctor. There are a number of things that could be going on. The most common one would be a post operative pneumonia, but there are some more serious post operative complications that you should have ruled out. I wish you luck.

I had an op last week....?

on my penis and i am sad to report my hand has rejected it.
lol, is this a question??
stop wasting space!
2 points
From one inch to two,little wonder you galloping maggot.
Oh that is so sad.
Is that the penis on your forehead?

I had a sudden onset of left sided chest pain when i breathed in deeply. what is the cause?

i have no other medical conditions other than hypertension and before that i was not doing anything strenuous. and i had a headache before the pain started.
Could be many things. Pulled muscle, pneumonia, asthma, or heart issue. If you are still feeling pain, you should call your doctor. They will advise you. If your pain is debilitating, call 911 - you have no time to be online. Good luck!
see a doctor. I cant believe you people think the people on here know something about chest pain. do you think we are all just unemployed doctors on here making sure that someone doesnt have a heart attack? wow!
CALL 911..

I love the questions like I have a car on fire what do i do...
If it is upon deep inspiration than it is most likely pleurisy, an inflammation of the lining of the lungs, which would fit in with the headache. Its probably viral. If you start having sweating, shortness of breath with this or it worsens be evaluated by a physician.
if it's when you breathe in deeply and not when you've taken a breath out, it's not cardiac related. This does not sound like a heart attack (though with hypertension you should be wary of this).

Most likely it is chest wall pain, possibly caused by pulling a muscle or a pleuralism.

If this continues for a few hours, or is coupled with diziness or loss of breath, or if the pain happens when you are relaxing, I would advise you to seek immediate medical care
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