right i live in a bungalow and my dad has multiple sclerosis and he use to smoke. i hate people smoking and at school, at the moment, i am learning how smoking can harm you. i don't want to get ill from it and i don't want them to get ill from it ever. plus my friends smoke aswell!!
Answer: So, your dad used to smoke and some of your friends smoke?
How old are you and your friends - seems like your in early high school, which is when drug awareness is taught - that's really early to start smoking.
Just tell them you won't stay around them if they continue to smoke. If they think you're kidding, leave. If you want them to take you seriously, you must be serious - as with all important things. If they still don't care, then you're probably better off finding more reliable, intelligent friends.
Also, you can make people leave your house if they do anything there that makes you uncomfortable.
Stand up for yourself - you'll be surprised at how strong you are!
-Best wishes ;)
Tell them that there is no smoking in the house. Simple as you live there and they should respect your wishes.
Crazy idea...It's your house, tell them not to do it!!
ask them to go outside or open all the windows.
well tell them not to smoke around u okay
I would politely ask they to go outside to smoke. I have done that and if they are truly your friends then they will be happy to do it.
Just do some research about the effects of inhaling second hand smoke and give or tell that to your friends, if they care about you then they will stop smoking in from of you.
Tactfully tell peeps who come to your house that they cannot smoke inside...If they are true friends they will respect your wishes.
if its your house then tell them to go outside if they want to smoke, your house, your rules!
Seeing as though it is your fathers house ask him straight up if he minds when ppl smoke in the house when you guys don't. If he says he does mind then it is obvious he is too nice to tell his guests otherwise. Ask him if it would be alright for you to ask ppl when they come over to take it outside in a nice way. Tell him you live there too and that you feel disrespected by ppl smoking in the house. I smoke but not in my house all of my friends smoke but they respect the fact that I hate the stale smell in everything.
Tell them nicely, that if they wish to smoke would they kindly go outside, I am a smoket trying to stop and I can understand how you feel. And anyway, they know that your dad is ill, and they should respect the fact that none of you smoke, GOOD LUCK, you sound like a very caring person.
its really good that you hate smoking and just keep the spirit up,
in many countries there is a law to prevent smokers to smoke in public and harm and irritate others, but its happening in your house you just can talk to the smoker very politely and request them not to smoke in front of you and if they don't listen you can leave the place. remember one thing that leaving the place is much better than any other idea if smokers dont listen.
Tell them you don't like the smell of cigarettes and you have a problem when you inhale the smell and inform them you don't like the idea of them smoking around where you are especially in your house.You can also help them quit smoking by advicing them the damage of smoking.I pray you will be able to get their attention.
You don't have to like your friends' habits and you don't have to sit there and take it. Whenever you're around them, just give them subtle hints that the smoke bothers you and you'd wish they'd not smoke in front of you. Tell them nicely to smoke outside before or after they visit your house. If they insist on smoking inside and ignore your wishes, they are not being considerate to you or your father. Ask them to leave. They may not care about their health so you're the only one who can do anything about it.
ask them to take it outside... it is YOUR house
make your bungalow no smooking area
its ur house make it a rule that if ur gona smoke u will have to do it outside or not at all when at ur house, its not being rude to ask ur friends to do this and they should b glad to if they are real friends, just put a sign on ur entry door they will get the hint and if they dont just tell them this is the rule outside or not at all while at ur house it worked for me ,good luck
don't let them smoke in your house or car
Lighten up...
The world is filled with unpleasant odors...(I don't partcularly like the eye-watering miasmic cloud of perfume some women wear, or the smell of car and bus exhaust, or the smell of someone's tabasco covered microwaved leftover fish they just cooked, or hairspray, or locker rooms, or bad breath of any kind, or B.O.or etc etc etc...
But I got used to those things long ago, because I'm not anal retentive about the world's odors...
Life requires you to take in stride many of the world's unpleasant odors, because you can't deodorize the world, the same way you can't child-proof the world from dangers, the way you can't disinfect the world of germs, or rid the world's lawns of dog poop...I could go on and on...
A well-adjusted, tough guy like myself puts up with those things non-chalantly because I have to...
The world's good things balance out the bad things...
Get used to it, and don't be such a namby pamby wimp about a little cigarette odor...
Just ask them kindly not to smoke around you or smoke outside.
Sit down with your family and see if you can't all agree to make your home smoke free. Guests do not have the right to light up in your home if you don't want them to. I am a smoker and no one else in my family smokes, I do not have a problem going outside to smoke when visiting. I know the health dangers and if I am risking mine fine, but others don't have to be put a risk because of me. I don't smoke in other peoples vehicles, unless they are smokers, out of respect for them.
Most smokers I know do not have a problem if asked not to smoke in your home, afterall, it's your home. With the backing of your other family members, you should have a smokefree home in no time.
I understand ur predicament, instead of telling them not to smoke make a chart which says 'NO SMOKING' n which shows the ill effects of smoking. hope my idea helps u.
Hi there,
Very simple. Tell them that they are not allowed to smoke inside your home. Period. If you want to be more accommodating you can always set up an ash tray and a place outside in the backyard, preferably away from the door or open windows so that any second hand somke does not blow in. Unfortunately, smoke will cling to their clothes and they will still bring in some with them. But if you are really adamant, be honest and tell them that it's a non-smoking house. If they are your friends they should understand and respect your decision, it is YOUR house after all!; if they don't you might want to re-evaluate your "friendship" with them.
tell them to go out because its your house your rights
Well its very hard indeed to stop a smoker because in a cigarette there is a chemical called "nicotine". Nicotine is a very addictive substance that can kill a person who's using it a lot. There's a medecine so that a person can stop using nicotine but it maybe take a while. Its called "nicotine pads"(I'm not sure but I watched this at knowledge channel) it has nicotine but a very small amount. I'm not sure about this though...=(
==============================...See www.wikipedia.org and see the article about nicotine.
==============================...To be honest it may take a while for a smoker to quit smoking even you said to the smoker to stop smoking. I would say good luck to ya.
You can ask your friends in a nice way to step outside the house to have their smoke. Or, you can designate an area in your house for your friends who smoke. Anyway, you can't ask people not to smoke just because you don't like it. They too have a right to do as they please just like anybody else. What you can do is avoid going to places where smoking is allowed and most of all, avoid hanging out with friends who smoke.
ask them nicely to go outside and smoke!
it's horrible isn't it, the smell of smoke? i don't allow anyone to smoke in the house... visitors MUST go outside! i have a no smoking policy indoors.
I'm a non smoker and i tell my friend and family 2 stand in the garden if they want 2 smoke we have a choice not 2 smoke and they should respected that when it comes 2 ur friends don't stand around them when they r smoking
Keep away from the people who smoke. If possible convince them about the ill effects of smoking . Passive smoking effects are as bad as smoking. Also request them not to smoke inside the house and to go to far off place and smoke.
be like please dont smoke in my house u can go outside i agree with u i hate the smell of cigerette smoke it makes me sick i hate that people smoke its like ur killing ur self stop